Congratulations to all the Ironman Lake Placid finishers! I watched some video on the website earlier today and it looked awesome. Good luck also to those running the Badwater Ultramarathon that starts tomorrow. Another event that is just amazing.
The weather was great here is Western NY today. I went out for a 10 miler and it was sunny and in the high 70s when I was out this morning.
I am not sure if this will be a good training week. I am moving into a new house and there will be lots to do from Tuesday afternoon through the weekend. I will get out a run whenever possible but I won't worry about the weekly total. I will just treat it as a taper week. I will have lots of cross training: painting, hauling furniture, cleaning etc.
Thanks for the comments and for checking in. This world of blogging is really cool and it is great to hear from other endurance athletes. I have enjoyed reading various blogs and will comment more of that in the near future.
Take care - talk to you all soon.
8 years ago