Sunday, July 22, 2007

Lake Placid & Badwater

Congratulations to all the Ironman Lake Placid finishers! I watched some video on the website earlier today and it looked awesome. Good luck also to those running the Badwater Ultramarathon that starts tomorrow. Another event that is just amazing.

The weather was great here is Western NY today. I went out for a 10 miler and it was sunny and in the high 70s when I was out this morning.

I am not sure if this will be a good training week. I am moving into a new house and there will be lots to do from Tuesday afternoon through the weekend. I will get out a run whenever possible but I won't worry about the weekly total. I will just treat it as a taper week. I will have lots of cross training: painting, hauling furniture, cleaning etc.

Thanks for the comments and for checking in. This world of blogging is really cool and it is great to hear from other endurance athletes. I have enjoyed reading various blogs and will comment more of that in the near future.

Take care - talk to you all soon.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Online training log

I recently added a training log link on this site which highlights my weekly mileage and most recent training day. The Buckeye Outdoors website has a great online training log for endurance athletes. It is a free site and is worth checking out. You can follow the link to the Buckeye Outdoors website from my training detail which will allow you to vie my entire training log. I am in the process of updating my training through the beginning of 2007. I still keep a detailed hand written journal but the website allows me to track miles on my shoes, make calculations and share with others.

I am now officially training for the Rochester Half Marathon which takes place on September 16th. I decided to focus on the half marathon rather than another marathon this fall. I have not raced a half marathon since 2005 and I am eager to set a new PR. I have structured a training plan for myself which should help me set a new PR.

That's all for now. Get out there and run!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Running around the entire perimeter of the United States

Now I feel like a long run! Running to help The Children’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado:

Saturday, July 14, 2007

I find this interesting

I wrote about this a couple months back and now the 3100 mile race is in progress.

The leader has covered 1906.53 miles in 27 days. I find the race quite interesting. It takes places on a city block in Queens, NY. Yes, that is correct, the course is a city block - over, and over and over again! I first heard about this event about three years ago while listening to a news radio station in Manhattan. Runner's World recently covered this event in one of their ultra running editions.

I thought about why this intrigues me. After all, this race appears odd to most non-runners and is even odd to some regular runners. I think ultra events are great. I have tremendous respect for those that have raced ultra events and Ironman triathlons. These events help our endurance and we go beyond what we thought we were capable of doing. I use the term "we" but I have never registered for an ultra race . I have, however, started visiting the Ultra Running Online website and a few others. Does this mean I will be planning to run in an ultra event anytime soon? Well, maybe not "soon" but I am thinking about the possibilities.

I am looking out the window right now and the weather is perfect. Today I am running and it is a great day!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Alberto Salazar update

By now most of you know that Alberto Salazar had a heart attack last week. I am happy to read tonight that he has been released from the hospital. Salazar is 48 years young and it was a shock to hear the news of his heart attack.

Monday, July 9, 2007

NEW 15K PR = 1:13:39

It has been a while since my last post. Just busy with a lot of things these days and not much time to sit down and post a blog entry.

My running highlight this week is a PR! I ran the Utica Boilermaker 15K yesterday and set a new PR which I am very happy with. I finished in 1:13:39 taking almost 3 minutes off my old PR. My old PR from 2005 is 1:16:30.

My race recap:

I finished 1,976 out of 10,882 finishers

5K = 24:00
10K = 48:27
15K = 1:13:39

For those of you that have run the Boilermaker, you know that the course (and the warm weather) can be challenging. It is a great race with a lot of energy and crowd support. Very well organized and definately on my race calendar every year now.

The elite runners were again very impressive. Nate Jenkins was the first American to finish in 46:22 - NICE!!! (13th overall). Nate is a great runner and I just read a few articles about him and reviewed some of his race results. Keep up the great running, Nate! Looking forward to hearing about your future races.

I am now looking to run the Rochester half marathon in September. I am setting up a training plan for myself starting this week (only 10 weeks to go!). I plan to set a half marathon PR at that race.

I'll be posting a recap at the end of the week. I would like to at least post once weekly with my weekly training updates.

That is all for now. Happy running!
