Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Online training log

I recently added a training log link on this site which highlights my weekly mileage and most recent training day. The Buckeye Outdoors website has a great online training log for endurance athletes. It is a free site and is worth checking out. You can follow the link to the Buckeye Outdoors website from my training detail which will allow you to vie my entire training log. I am in the process of updating my training through the beginning of 2007. I still keep a detailed hand written journal but the website allows me to track miles on my shoes, make calculations and share with others.

I am now officially training for the Rochester Half Marathon which takes place on September 16th. I decided to focus on the half marathon rather than another marathon this fall. I have not raced a half marathon since 2005 and I am eager to set a new PR. I have structured a training plan for myself which should help me set a new PR.

That's all for now. Get out there and run!


keith said...

Hey Matt,

Looks like you're doing a great job, yourself. Thanks for checking in!

Mike said...

Glad to hear you have a race on the horizon. The half mary distance is always a nice way to get your "hurt on". Short enough where you can push the pace a bit but long enough to be feeling it near the end...good on ya!

I also wanted to go for a 1/2 mary PR at the beginning of the year but couldn't find one that worked out...

Anonymous said...


Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to following your half-marathon training plan and the search for a PR. I am trying to get back on the Marathon PR bandwaon myself, but have a ways to go.