Sunday, April 29, 2007

20 miles in 3:44:27

Plan put into action today: alarm woke me at 5:15 and I was running on a trail by 6am! I felt very sluggish this morning. I was running on less than 5 hours sleep. I brought a few Clif Shot Blocks and they have a little caffeine - not that I felt that much better. I am glad I got the run in, no time for any excuses - just go out there and run! I have 4 weeks until the marathon.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I am back!

I will try to post more often but things have been very busy lately. I have had trouble getting in sufficient mileage and the marathon is just weeks away! I am running 20 miles tomorrow morning at 5:30am. Weather looks decent for the morning: 43 degrees at 5:30am. Looking forward to another long run. My mileage has been low but I am still running the race! This will be my first spring marathon so I can't miss it. I hope to get in about 4 miles later today.

More posts to follow this week. I will try to get at least a short daily update on this site. Good luck with your running and racing!

More to follow soon......Matt