Official time: 4:37:41 (final chip time) - 477th overall of 637 finishers (gun time)
Overall, this race was a good experience. I woke up at 5am as I needed to pick up my race bib/chip. Temp was a comfortable 63 degrees. Luckily, the hotel was only three blocks from the start line. I had almost a full hour to sit down, relax, and finish my breakfast before heading out the the start. I was at the start line with approx. 10 minutes to go. I was able to get close to the start line with no problem. I was ready to go. I did a few final stretches and then the "3 minutes to go" was announced. The gun went off and we were headed through downtown Buffalo towards Lake Erie.
A summary fo the first 10 miles:
Mile 1 = 8:01
Mile 2 = 8:49
Mile 3 = 8:50
Mile 4 = 9:03
Mile 5 = 8:44
Mile 6 = 8:53
Mile 7 = 9:31
Mile 8 = 9:11
Mile 9 = 9:16
Mile 10 = 9:00
I felt great. The first 10 miles were easy and I tried to slow my pace down but the race atmosphere got the best of me. I definately went out much faster than I wanted to and I think this hurt me later in the race. I think if I went out slower, my time would have been better.
The thunderstorms never arrived and there was just a light rain for approx. 10 minutes. The sun came out by mile 18 and really warmed things up quickly. I finished the race and the temp was 73 degrees. The humidity was high in the morning but I was well hydrated.
My pace definately slowed down later in the race and it was hard to pick things back up. I officially "hit the wall" at mile 22 (which was much better than previous marathons). Early signs of bonking came to me around mile 18 but I kept moving and was able to work through the fatigue. At mile 22 I felt my body shutting down. I was sick to my stomach and made the last stretch very tough. The last mile of the race is always the longest. I did not see the 25 mile marker but I knew I was close. I could hear the announcer over the PA and the crowd at the finish was getting closer. I soon passed the 26 mile marker. What a feeling! This race was in the bag. I picked up my pace and made the final turn towards the finish. I could now see the finish line and I ran as fast as I could through the finish chute. There is nothing better than crossing that line and getting the race medal.
Overall, a great experience and a fun race. I enjoyed running this race and I feel I am in good shape for my upcoming races and then planning for my fall marathon.
Based on this race, I know I have a very good shot at a marathon PR in the fall. It is time for a new marathon PR! I know I am capable and will one day run a sub 4 hour.
That is all for now. Thanks for the comments - I be checking in on your running blog soon.
Happy running and good luck with the races!
BUFFALO MARATHON NEWS LINK: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/85863.html